Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feb. 4, 2009

Yesterday was just like any other day that you have a sick kid home from school. Joseph was so happy that Noah was home from school, he thought that meant they would play together all day. Needless to say by about

2 o’clock he was not so happy about Noah being home anymore. Noah on a good day is bossy, selfish, and did I mention bossy. When Noah is sick you need to multiply the effect. I did feel sorry for him though, he felt like poo and Joseph was being very persistent about playing. Noah is so much like his dad when he is sick. He will let out spontaneous moans, just so you know he is still not feeling good and you should feel as sorry for him as possible. Adam is the same way, not quit as obvious as Noah but a moaner just the same.

Going with little to no sleep finally caught up with me and I passed out on the bed after a cigarette break about 8. Adam took pity on me and made me go to bed. He got the boys ready and put them to bed and apparently fell asleep on the couch. I woke up around 1:30 with a killer back ache, so I decided to stay up for a while and let my meds kick in. At 3:30 Noah woke up yelling. His fever was 103 and he was complaining of a sore throat. Here I was thinking he was getting better, even told his teacher in an e-mail that he would be back at school today. So, lesson learned, don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

Moving on because I know y’all are sick of hearing about us being sick. Joseph takes his self to the potty these days, unless he has to go #2, then of course mom has to come so she can hear it, see it, and clean him up when he is done. So when he yelled out that he had to go pee-pee I didn’t really think much about it until I realized that he had been gone for quit a while and all was eerily quite. I walk in to find him standing not in front of the toilet but in front of the bath tub. He looks at me guiltily and says I was pee-peeing too which I reply “you do not pee in the bath tub, that is for getting clean and you know this”. So now I can say at lest their bathroom is bleached and clean. Oh, another Joseph funny that I feel the need to share. Every morning before he gets up for the day, he calls me in there so we can “uggle” (snuggle). During out time yesterday he looks over at me with the most serious face and says “my weenie is big” and then proceeds to pull is pants down for a quick peep show while says “see momma, my weenie is big” Not only was I a little shocked but it was funny I just had to say “ok, but we don’t show people our weenie, ok?” “Momma you not people, you momma” as he continues to show off his private. Just goes to show that men start at an early age loving their privates.

Speaking of privates, I have to tell someone this, because it is just too funny and just enough on the sick side not to share. Everyone now knows that my MIL was married to an idiot. It was not after their divorce that we discovered this fact, most of the family knew from the first time we meet him. Anyway, in one of their recent arguments he informed her that he is no longer taking his meds (crazy people should NOT stop taking their meds) My MIL asked why he decided he no longer needed his medicine. His answer……… “One day you are going to want to have sex with me again and the medicine gives me a limp dick” First off eww-gross, secondly, ha-ha-ha- he actually said that to her in an effort to win her over (oh, baby-baby) gag, gag, gag!


April said...

Ahahahaha about the last 2 paragraphs and poor sick Cole's! I hope you are all feeling much better soon :-(

Mandi said...

That last thing was yucky!
Yeah, even little boys love their penises. So your boys have "weenies"? We taught Will and Luke "wee wee", but MIL thought that might give them a complex, so we changed to "pecker". Luke pulled his through the slit on the front of his underwear, and said "This used to be my wee wee window, but now it's my pecker pocket.
I'm sorry y'all are sick, and I hope you feel better soon!