Sunday, May 3, 2009

Take me out to the ball,

Man there must be something in the air or maybe aunt flow is visiting us all at the same time. I know that I have been one ill pissy bitch the last week. My poor family, I do not know how Adam puts up with me and my mood swings. My emotions have jumped all over the place and after today I am just plain out pissed.

You know when Adam coached we had this kid that was a little wild, but still a good kid. However his mom was a real winner (cough, cough, clearing throat). IF she was half as great as she thought she was she would have been damn near amazing!! Anyway, we never really got along and she was such a pain in the ass. Even though Adam and I didn’t get along with her we never took it out on her kid. We never treated him any different than any other kid on the team. I think that is the way things should be done. I know that not all people are going to see eye-to-eye, but by no means should it affect the kids. Someone should inform Noah’s coach and team mom of this nice little rule.

I have decided that I should not attend Noah’s baseball games anymore. I really do not want to ruin it for him. Even since we came back after Noah was out sick, we have been treated as if we aren’t there. Noah has been moved to the outfield, which probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal if they had players on the in field that knew what the hell they were doing. The coach has put his 4 year old son in Noah’s old position at 3rd base and the poor kid is CLUELESS. I mean hell his mom (team mom) stands outside the dugout and tells him where to stand and what to do with the flippin ball. The kid on second looks for four leaf clovers, the short stop can’t seem to stay up-right for more than three-to-four seconds at a time. I will say on a positive note, that our first baseman deserves to be exactly where he is, he is one hell of a good little ball player. Moving along to the rest of my rant, none of the coach’s speak to Noah, teach him, or attempts to show him anything. There are no words of encouragement, no pats of a play well made, nothing! It is truly ridiculous. I honestly have to bite my tongue until it bleeds to keep from showing my ass and jerking my kid off the field. I probably would have done so already if Noah didn’t want to play so dang bad.

I do not know why they have an in field really, because let me tell y’all now that Grayden Guthrie can play them all (big fat eye roll) They have taught that child to run all over the field playing everyone’s position. He was in center field at one point today. He takes balls, barks out orders, and pretty much does what ever in the hell he wants to do. I know it is not really his fault, I know it is the coaches, but I really could just pinch his head off. He runs around like a puffed up roster. They have told all of the other kids, “just let Grayden get it or throw it to Grayden” so there for the other kids are not even trying, really what is the point? Speaking of Grayden, some of you might remember his mom, Ashley. Adam and her husband Joel work together and from the first time we meet we have been friends and the boys have been buddies. The boys have a lot of fun together and used to have a good deal in common. I learned today that Grayden celebrated his birthday last weekend. Noah didn’t get invited to Grayden’s birthday party, the rest of the team did. I could tell by the look on Ashley’s face when one of the other moms brought it up today that we were not supposed to know that it took place. When there was dead air Ashley looks at me and says “I had the invitation, but thought y’all would get it to late” to which I reply “Your probably right, seeing how there aren’t phones or text messaging doesn’t exist, oh wait… does exist and you know how to use it when you want me to pick Grayden up for you. I guess somewhere along the way you forgot how to work it” Now between me and you I bet your ass since miss team mom and the great good Guthrie are friends now that opinions are being shared and lines being drawn. You see Ashley is a very swayable person who lives for the all mighty gossip and the latest scoop. I am so feed up, it literally makes me want to puke or fight (depends on the day).

I leave every game and practice so mad I can not see straight. I am so ready for this to be over with. I can not wait to play in Rome next year. Because I can tell you all now, if I have to have any contact with this coach or team mom after this I will probably jerk a knot in some ones ass. Truth be told, y’all know me and are probably shocked that I haven’t already jerked at lest her in knot, I know it will happen before the season ends.

It is all I can do no to every time I lay eyes on her and as bad as I hate to admit it I will probably end up showing my true colors before all is said and done.

Sorry guys, I know y’all are sick and tired of hearing me bitch about baseball. But if I don’t do it here then I do it with Adam and he tries to make me see all sides and to be honest I do not want to. I do not want to give any of them the benefit of the doubt. Not when they so easily treat Noah the way they do. They don’t get that option form me. They can treat me like shit, I could truly care less, but I’ll be damned if they will get away with treating Noah like this.

Ok, my rant for the day is over and I surprisingly feel better. Now I am going to go check out all the tornado’s they say are bouncing around everywhere. Everyone be safe and have a good Sunday evening.


April said...

Deeeep breath..... and exhale... good....

So sorry. Maybe it would be best to take next year off from such things, no? Maybe ya'll just need a break from the craziness?

Mandi said...

This post is why I hate this town. Seriously, people are so petty and act like they never left middle school! I don't mean to act like I'm better than anyone around me, but crap like that is why I prefer to take me kids to Rome for activities (and even school if I could afford it).

I am kind of curious to know who the team mom is. Why don't you email me and tell me.

Jess said...

See, I agree with you Mandi. This is also one of the reasons I would rather do stuff in Rome as well. You can't shit in this town with out everyone knowing what color it is! I am so over the high school drama, I wish others were as well :)

Constance said...

Dude baseball sucks! Or at least that is the way it sounds! Sorry you have to put up with that!

joymom said...

This whole situation stinks!!!! How very mean that they are snubbing little Noah!!!! I don't even think this could be classified as high school...this is more like middle school drama on their part...they are kids....let them play....let them all be friends and treat them all fairly!!!! If I were you I would skip practices and show up for the games only (to support Noah) and totally ingore the offensive bee-oches and the big fat dumb coach!!! I had to throw in some inmature name calling because of the subject matter.

Wanda said...

I think you should pull Noah out of baseball for this year. The attitude of everyone involved is not doing Noah a bit of good. He is too smart to not know what is going on. PULL HIM OUT!