Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A funny

So I had to go pick up Noah from school early today. Why, you ask? Because for the past three days he has had a cough that will eventually make him toss his cookies. Needless to say it was bound to happen at school and the minuet he walked out of the bathroom they pounced on him like a Lion on a lamb and called me. His teacher, Ginger is a wonderful woman who I think the world of. We instantly hit it off and have become very fast friends. So it is her voice on the other end of the phone I hear with Noah standing right at her side. Now, most kids would lie and say what ever they have too to get out of school. I mean he’s pretty much already got a free pass with the throwing up thing, why not just seal the deal and play out the sympathy card? Oh no, not Noah. God love his heart.

Teacher: “Noah, does your stomach hurt?”
Noah: “Nope”

Teacher: “Do you feel like your going to be sick again?”
Noah: “Nope, I’m good”

Teacher: “Well then, how do you feel?”
Noah: “Pretty good and you?”

She and I both had to share a laugh, I mean I could hear his response to every question and when that came out you had to laugh. That’s just the kind of kid he is. The dr said that he needs breathing treatments for a while, see if that helps. Hopefully it will clear this situation up.

Just thought I would share out funny og the day! Hope everyone has a great night!!


April said...

poor sweety! I hope he gets rid of that cough soon, I know that has got to be annoying!

Mandi said...

Yeah, my kids would have definitely used that as a ticket home from school!

Constance said...

Bless his heart! He is such a sweetie! I hope he gets better soon.

Wanda said...

That's my boy!!