Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One cup of crazy, here please

Hormones are such nasty little things. They can make a perfectly sane person go from crying to mad in a five second time span. Before long you will find yourself in a total different reality. You will believe and can not be convinced otherwise that your best friend is no longer your best friend that she doesn’t want to talk to you, spend time with, or even hear your voice. You will then go further, believing that you have no friends. The ones you use to claim as your own are talking about you behind your back and you are nothing more than a joke to them. You will know that your husband is avoiding you and doing his best to ignore every thing you say. Hormones will make you yell at your kids when they don’t need it and hug them when they do. On-star commercials will make you cry and then you will cry because you feel stupid for crying. Heaven help the bad driver that makes the mistake of pulling out in front of you. Surly jail time would follow that mistake if you had a gun in the car. The lady at the fast food window didn’t realize she was having a bad day until you drove up. Getting out of bed is a little more than you can handle and when you finally do, you spend the rest of the day counting down the hours until you can climb back in. People will tell you that you are in a bad mood or are being moody, however you will not care. It really won’t matter until you yourself realize that hormones have over taken your body, but by then it is just too late for everyone involved. Hormones will push every button you have, play on every fear and emotion you can come up with. Rational thought will only pop out every so often and make you question all the craziness you have been spreading around. Even then you will wonder about it, because you haven’t seen the rational side of things in so long you are not sure what it looks like anymore. Smarter people than me say that these nasty little hormones only kick in around your cycle time; however this smart woman knows they happen far more regularly than that. You actually have more hormonal days than regular days a month. This smart woman wonders how my husband lives with me, my children put up with me and honestly why I haven’t ended up in jail yet! Sometimes it sucks to be female.


April said...

Hormones do indeed make you feel like a fruit cake. You are like me, I have more bad days than good in a month! Have a beer, it'll make you feel better!

joymom said...

I actually e-mailed my OBGYN just the other week asking if I could have a hormone imbalance. He says that pinpointing it can be like tring to find the Holy Grail and we decided I need to be on extended dose birth control pills. I can't really say yet if it is helping. Am I hormonal or just crazy? We should all get together and be hormonal together!!! :-) Love you!!!!!!

Mandi said...

I chart my cycles faithfully, and I can attest that the hormones that make you crazy don't just appear 3 days before your period. They're thrown in all around!
This time of year, I spend most days the way you described. It generally sucks for me.
I hope your hormones let up on you soon. I love you!!!

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

First time visiting your blog, and I had to ech an "Amen!" to this post. I don't think men get that we are as hormonal as we are... how could they? All they have to deal with is testosterone. We've got a whole slew of hormones fighting it out in our bodies!
