Friday, September 18, 2009

Goodbye Summer

Yeah, it has been a while since I have posted anything and instead of boring you all with what has been going on the past few weeks, we will just skip over that. I am like most every other human who looks forward to fall, the leaves changing, the cooler weather, and to be honest its like the count down begins to Christmas with the coming of fall. However, as much as I look forward to fall I will miss the summer months.


April said...

I am a little sad to see summer leaving too. I feel like we spent our entire summer being miserable and did not enjoy it like we have done in summers past. Oh well, the GOOD thing is that we get summer every year! And since we live in Georgia, sometimes we get summer in the middle of November!

joymom said...

I like the new look of your blog!!!! I LOVE Fall...wouldn't it be great to have just one more trip to the Bottoms with 4 wheelers, sweatshirts, baseball caps and a big ole mud hole???!!!! Those were great ways to spend Fall day...well pretty much any day!!! I am ready to see Fall arrive but I am like you I will miss this Sweet Summer that we have had!!!! I love the pictures of your babies!!!! I really wish we could get together more than we do. :-( The picture of the boys jumping into the pool holding hands is GREAT and the one of Sam trying to keep up with the big boys in the fountain is funny!!! The kids had so much fun that day just running in circles!!!