Have you ever heard of those people that if they didn’t have bad luck they wouldn’t have any luck? If you haven’t well I would like to introduce myself. Luck is not one of my strong suites, never has been and apparently never will be. Thank you all for your kind words after my last post, but I just had to come back and update. I guess mainly because I kept having this thought….. “Who does this? Who’s luck can be this bad?” I have had seven; yes I said seven surgeries, two children, numerous broken bones and I have never had a pain like I have had this week!!! When I was leaving the nice doctors office the first time he made sure to tell me to chew on the other side “sure, no problem”. See this is where my bad luck kicks in. After two days of chewing on the opposite side my other top wisdom tooth started hurting, I use that term very loosely……it was more like a Mac truck being rammed into that tooth and my jaw. So on Thursday morning I made the dreaded call back to that “nice doctor” and sadly they told me to be there at 1:30. Same as before one scary chair to another and I was numb and awaiting the dreaded “pop”. Things sadly went a little different this time. Once the nice doc got his very large hands in my mouth and started digging around he informs me that this one was abscessed and severely infected. Next thing I knew they had me hooked up to IV antibiotics and goofy gas. Two hours later I was packed, taped and waiting on Adam to guide me to the car. So now I sit here on a quite Saturday night after I have slept most of the week away with two swollen checks, two bluish-black check bones and slightly black eyes. See what I said…..Who does this kind of thing? Who goes in for one tooth ache and looses two wisdom teeth in the same week without being put to sleep? On a brighter note, Adam has been amazing. He has taken care of me and our rowdy boys. He has managed to keep us all alive and well for the past week. Of course I am sure he is looking forward to going back to work Monday just to get a break from us. I think that we all have had enough excitement to last a while and are ready for things to get back to normal. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend and rest well tonight!!
Bless your heart!!! I felt so bad for you after the first blog. I had no idea about the second time! That is really bad luck. I am glad that Adam has been helpful and you have been able to rest.
Hopefully these latest tooth incidents will be your only incidents for quite while!!!! You have been through enough to last for at least a year or two...or ten! Thank goodess you had your hubby there to take care of you and everthing else while you have been in great need of recooperation! (I am sitting at Nannie Annie's computer blogging while she plays with my stinkers!)
I'm sorry that I can't be there to help you. It's really crummy that we both picked the same week to be sick. I love you, Mom
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