I always get a kick out of peoples photos. I know that I am trying to be a photographer so I do have a more critical eye. But it cracks me up to see those pictures taken with their web cam or their cell phone. There is this one chick on my space that actually uses her camera and it doesn’t matter if the pictures come out blurry, to dark to see, or what ever she will still post them. (whatever floats your boat) I know that it shouldn’t matter, that face book is not the grandest thing in the world and you probably shouldn’t base any opinion on the things you see on there. But there are some things you should not take a picture of much less put on face book for the whole world to see. You especially do not take a picture of that and put it out there. I am just shocked, maybe I am just a stick in the mud, but I think that is just vulgar and nasty. I am actually ashamed that she is on my friends list. I graduated with her like 12 years ago and once upon a time considered her a friend, not a close friend but still a friend. I always knew she was a little wild and crazy, but I had no idea she was just…….I do not even know the word. Anyway just thought I would share with all of you. Like you needed to be sick to your stomachs early in the morning!!!
damn....people will post pictures of anything. That's nasty.
Jess, I am curious about who it is...you know I am just nosy!!! I am so behind the times...I'm not on myspace or facebook...I am afraid I will get addicted and I don't have the energy to get addicted. I love going on to blogger everday to read about what is going on with you guys though...it makes me feel like I am not alone in the world.
Oh god I just had to look and ewwwww! You are completely right! People are just getting way out of hand on there!
I try really hard to not be "old fashioned", but there are some things that you just don't do! This is one of those things. Some day she will be my age and will wonder what in the world possessed her to be a tramp!
Oh yuck! I can't imagine wanting to do that to myself!
Well I don't want to even guess what it was she posted.
But I have to say it's your fault that I'm starting to look at pictures w/ a critical eye as well.
(not my own though, b/c I'm just happy the kids aren't smacking each other or crying when I take one)
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