Gosh it has been a while since I sat down and blogged. So, I thought since I now have this nifty new lap top and I can sit all comfy in my bed and play on the computer, I would take this opportunity to catch up.
We took the boys camping, seen a bear, had a sleepless night, played in a beautiful waterfall that I can remember playing in almost 15 years ago. I could have spent all day at the foot of that amazing waterfall. I can not wait to go back, minus blackie the bear!
Joseph celebrated his 4th birthday. We didn’t celebrate it in a big way, just a small cake and a few gifts. Next year will be his year for the “big” party. Wonder what kind of kick ass cake I will come up with for him. It has to be as good as the pirate cake.
I have applied for several jobs and am very excited but nervous about the possibility of going back to work. If I head back to work, my baby will also start to school this year. Wow, not sure how I really feel about that. I forgot how hard it is to get a job and what a nerve racking process it is to get ready for an interview, waiting to hear back. Will I say the right thing; answer the questions right, burp in the middle of the interview? `
Don’t you think adults with braces are weird? It just looks so strange. I am sure they have a perfectly logical reason for getting them now, but it just seems so strange to see a 40 year old woman with braces on her teeth. When you talk to them your eyes can’t help but stare at the bright shinny braces…..it’s just weird!
Went to the drive-inn to see Transformers 2 and had a ball. There is nothing like loading up in the back of the truck with sleeping bags and pillows, kids all snug in the jimmies, eating snack bar food, whispering to one another and cuddling with the kid’s until the movie is over.
Spent a wonderful afternoon with an old dear friend and her sweet babies eating fast food, the kids played on the play ground while Joy and I caught up, then we took all the ankle bitters to the sprinklers at the park, took lots and lots of pictures and wore out our little ones. It was a win-win for everyone evolved and a good time was had by all.
Finally got Noah’s school clothes bought this weekend. Eh, we joined the masses for this idiotic shopping day. None the less it is over and done with. The flip side, if Joseph does end up going, we will have to do it all over again…..yeah us! Speaking of school, why do the teachers always put at lest one item on the “needed” list that you CAN NOT find? I wonder where she shops, because apparently she has seen this stuff somewhere!
My hormones have been a wild and wicked mess for the past week or so. I managed to say very mean and hurtful things and did not really have a reason or point. What makes it worse was that the person it affected the most was not the person it was directed at. I was avoiding everyone and everything that day and couldn’t bring myself to hash it out over the phone, because I lacked the desire to even carry on a conversation with another human. Yet my small bout with being down in the dumps caused a lot of hurt feelings and confusion. At this point all I can say is sorry.
I ran a special the month of July and had several sessions, what did I learn from this……….its a lot of work for not much money, it’s a good thing I love it so much; however I will not be doing that again anytime soon.
Noah starts school Aug 13 and I am counting down the days, sounds horrible doesn’t it? I am just so sick of the fighting, bossing, whining, and complaining I could puke.
I learned Friday that we have been driving around for the past two months with no car insurance………YIKES!! How did you just now figure it out you might ask, Adam got pulled over, luckily he had a totally cool police officer that either felt pity that my hubby has a fruit cake for a wife or just didn’t want to fool with giving him a ticket. Now not only will we need to take care of the back money owed on the insurance but the State of GA will also issue a ticket for this, wonder how much that will cost us?
Adam is in the middle of a four day weekend and I am so sick of the animal channel, example:
It is very hard to be thankful for something when the person doing it is for you, makes you look like the bad guy and under minds you at every turn. Why as grandparents is that their right? Maybe one day when I am one, I will understand the need for such behavior. I will say for now, that I will never do this, that I will not force my opinions on my daughter in law, and that I will abide by what ever she says, because I will know that she carried my grandchild 9 long months, spent numerous hours in labor, many a long sleepless night, had bad days, and is trying her best to raise a well mannered, well behaved child and I will respect that. Check back on me in twenty or so years and we shall see where I stand.
Ok, so enough rambling for tonight. I hope everyone has had a great weekend and will start out a wonderful week!